Our latest from Reporting on Addiction

Our latest from Reporting on Addiction

Our team at Reporting on Addiction has some exciting updates and plans for this year! 


As part of our end of year NewsMatch fundraising campaign (made possible through our partnership with 100 Days in Appalachia) Reporting on Addiction raised $6,225 this year. And we are so grateful.

Thank you again for your investment in Reporting on Addiction and for believing in our impact.

Apply for the 2025 Excellence in Recovery Journalism Award

Reporting on Addiction, in partnership with Faces and Voices of Recovery, is soliciting applications for the 2025 Excellence in Recovery Journalism Award! We aim to highlight journalism that accurately and empathetically illuminates recovery from addiction and substance use.

And, read about Native News Online’s Elyse Wild, who was the recipient of the 2024 Excellence in Recovery Journalism Award recipient.

📢Excellence in Recovery Journalism Award (2024)
We were fortunate to partner with Faces and Voices of Recovery this year to present the Excellence in Recovery Journalism Award at the America Honor’s Recovery Gala. This year’s Excellence in Recovery Journalism Award winner is: Elyse Wild! 🎉🎉🎉 Elyse is a senior editor for Native News Online. She

Dry January Resources 

In January, we hosted a conversation and launched a series of resources about Dry January and how to cover alcohol use all year long. Reporting on Addiction spoke with Alicia Ramirez MS, of The Riverside Record, Michael Caldwell MD MPH, of Dry January USA and Meharry School of Global Health, and Molly McGrath MS in this hour-long discussion of our new resources and what is missing from journalism coverage. We’re finalizing a resource about alcohol use disorder coming soon…

Watch the conversation, and check out the alcohol resource hub on our website.

Dry January & Damp January Resource Hub
Journalists cover Dry January & Damp January because drinking is so common. More so than other substances associated with harm, a journalist (and their audience) likely has experiences with drinking because alcohol use is socially acceptable—and even encouraged. But alcohol is complicated, and as a result, Dry January coverage sometimes

Educator Resource Training 

We will soon be recruiting our next cohort of collegiate journalism educators to participate in our summer training course. This is our third year working with college journalism educators to help them use our curriculum in their classrooms and student-newsrooms this fall. Our train-the-trainer  course will teach you the latest in evidence-based addiction science and medicine while preparing you to discuss addiction stigma with your students, recognize problematic reporting, and present them with helpful resources to improve reporting on addiction today. We also have new modules on trauma-informed interviewing and the tracking opioid settlement money.


Thanks to feedback we’ve heard from many of you, we are  continuing to create topic-specific toolkits to provide reporting tips, context and additional resources about current topics. 

As part of our mission, everything we do relies on working with journalists, experts through experience and experts through training to ensure the resources we create will be applicable and impactful. Keep an eye on your inbox for when these vital toolkits launch! 

Reporting on Addiction is not possible without your guidance, support and engagement. We appreciate all that you do to spread the word and advocate for our resources to be used in your communities. As always, we’d love to hear from you about what we’re doing or could be doing to make an impact. 

And if you have the ability, your financial support can also help us continue this work. Make a tax deductible gift here today

Thank you as always,

The Reporting on Addiction team